Statement from the October 2014 ‘Doing Development Differently’ workshop [re-posted from here]
Too many development initiatives have limited impact. Schools are built but children do not learn. Clinics are built but sickness persists. Governments adopt reforms but too little changes for their citizens.
This is because genuine development progress is complex: solutions are not simple or obvious, those who would benefit most lack power, those who can make a difference are disengaged and political barriers are too often overlooked. Many development initiatives fail to address this complexity, promoting irrelevant interventions that will have little impact.
Some development initiatives, however, have real results. Some are driven domestically while others receive external support. They usually involve many players – governments, civil society, international agencies and the private sector – working together to deliver real progress in complex situations and despite strong resistance. In practice, successful initiatives reflect common principles.
- They focus on solving local problems that are debated, defined and refined by local people in an ongoing process.
- They are legitimised at all levels (political, managerial and social), building ownership and momentum throughout the process to be ‘locally owned’ in reality (not just on paper).
- They work through local conveners who mobilise all those with a stake in progress (in both formal and informal coalitions and teams) to tackle common problems and introduce relevant change.
- They blend design and implementation through rapid cycles of planning, action, reflection and revision (drawing on local knowledge, feedback and energy) to foster learning from both success and failure.
- They manage risks by making ‘small bets’: pursuing activities with promise and dropping others.
- They foster real results – real solutions to real problems that have real impact: they build trust, empower people and promote sustainability.
As an emerging community of development practitioners and observers, we believe that development initiatives can – and must – have greater impact.
We pledge to apply these principles in our own efforts to pursue, promote and facilitate development progress, to document new approaches, to spell out their practical implications and to foster their refinement and wider adoption.
We want to expand our community to include those already working in this way.
We call on international development organisations of all kinds to embrace these principles as the best way to address complex challenges and foster impact. We recognise the difficulties, but believe that more effective strategies and approaches can generate higher and lasting impact.
- Matt Andrews, Harvard University
- Leni Wild, Overseas Development Institute
- Marta Foresti, Overseas Development Institute
- Natalia Adler, UNICEF
- David Booth, Overseas Development Institute
- Salimah Samji, Harvard University
- Pablo Yanguas Gil, ESID
- Brian Levy, World Bank and John Hopkins University
- Maria Gonzalez Asis, World Bank
- Helen Derbyshire, SAVI Nigeria
- Derick W Brinkerhoff, RTI International
- Kay Winning, World Bank
- Jaime Faustino, The Asia Foundation
- Michael Woolcock, World Bank and Harvard University
- Lant Pritchett, Harvard University and CGD
- Cauam Ferreira Cardoso, MIT
- Taylor Brown, The IDL Group / GRM International
- Duncan Green, Oxfam
- Katherine Bain, World Bank
- Nadim Matta, Rapid Results Institute
- Andrew Lawson, Fiscus
- Alan Hudson, Global Integrity
- Harry Jones, The IDL Group / GRM International
- Kartik Akileswaran, Millenium Challenge Corporation
- Moizza Sarwar, Oxford Poverty & Human Development Initiative
- Tom Murphy, Humanosphere
- Dan Hymowitz, Africa Governance Initiative
- Simon Gill, Overseas Development Institute
- Tim Williamson, Overseas Development Institute
- Brad Cunningham, Harvard University
- Pallavi Nuka, Princeton University
- Dave Algoso, Reboot
- Robert Klitgaard, Claremont Graduate University
- David Hulme, University of Manchester
- Neil Cole, Collaborative African Budget Reform Initiative
- Philipp Krause, Overseas Development Institute
- Paolo de Renzio, International Budget Partnership
- Aleem Walji, World Bank
- Eva Schiffer, World Bank
David Norman, SABMiller
Ben Ramalingam, Overseas Development Institute and IDS
- John Young, Overseas Development Institute
- Shantayanan Devarajan, World Bank
- Verena Fritz, World Bank
- Donna Loveridge
- Heather Lanthorn, Harvard School of Public Health
- Doug Hadden, FreeBalance
- Gregory Smith, World Bank
- Michael Wodzicki, Canadian Co-operative Association
- Jennifer Gala, Harvard University
- Jennifer Lentfer,
- Konstantine Kintsurashvili, MPAID, Harvard Kennedy School
- Juliet Walton, Coffey International Development
- Urška Zrinski, Center of Excellence in Finance
- Anne-Lise Klausen, World Bank
- Samik Adhikari, MPAID, Harvard Kennedy School
- Nhlanhla Mndaweni, Republic of South Africa (Dept Rural Development)
- Arvind Nair, World Bank
- Shamil Ibragimov, Soros Foundation Kyrgyzstan
- Rakesh Rajani, Twaweza
- Jairo Acuna-Alfaro, United Nations Development Programme
- Silvana Kostenbaum, Consultant
- Hanieh Mohammadi, MPAID, Harvard Kennedy School
- Koji Ito, Harvard Kennedy School and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan
- Jennifer Austin, MPAID Harvard Kennedy School
- Gabriel Seidman, DrPH student, Harvard School of Public Health
- Adriana Conconi, MPA/ID, Harvard Kennedy School & OPHI
- Charity Umbwe Shekari, Nigerian Communications Commission
- Takalani Rathiyaya, eThekwini Municipality, South Africa
- Raphael Martins, Harvard University
- Ryan Sheely, Harvard University
- Tim McNaught, MPAID, Harvard Kennedy School
- Mary Hong, MPAID, Harvard Kennedy School
- Ross Lipstein, MPAID, Harvard Kennedy School
- Guilherme Trivellato Andrade, Harvard School of Public Health
- Aranzazu Guillan Montero, U4 Anti-Corruption Research Center
- Ricardo Cruz Prieto, Independent Researcher
- James Walsh, MPP, Harvard Kennedy School & WDR 2015
- Jabulani Ngcobo, Department of Basic Education, South Africa
- Moira Hart-Poliquin, University of Ottawa (ret World Bank & UNICEF)
- Edmond Hoxha, Albanian Center of Excellence
- Wooil Shin, MPAID, Harvard Kennedy School
- Soren Jarnvig, Jarnvig Consulting
- Felix Mwenge, International Growth Centre
- Sam Muller, HiiL Innovating Justice
- Fatih Bozkurt, Turkish Treasury
- Vivek Srivastava, World Bank
- Graham Teskey, AusAID
- Dani Rodrik, Institute for Advanced Study, School of Social Science
- Varoujan Avedikian, MPA Harvard Kennedy School, Central Bank of Armenia
- Alison Wescott, World Bank
- Sonal Shah, Georgetown University
- Calestous Juma, Harvard University
- Upasana Khadka, MPA/ID, Harvard University
- Karl T. Muth, Northwestern University
- Ljubica Nedelkoska, CID at Harvard University
- Julia Clark, University of California, San Diego PhD student
- Katsu Fushimi, Japan International Cooperation Agency
- Nastasia L. Tysmans, Department of Education, Philippines
- Rushda Majeed, Consultant, Institutional & Policy Reform
- Jill Hinckley, Cameroon Association of Active Youths
- Chris Roche, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia
- Boban Varghese Paul, MPA/ID, Harvard University
- Naim Keruwala, Symbiosis School of Economics, India
- John Aderogba, Public Affairs Analyst/ Social Commentator
- Lucas Malambe, South African Qualifications Authority
- Tanja Hichert, Scenario Planner & facilitator of strategic conversations
- Vivienne Ochee Bamgboye, Oye Dynamix Ltd. World Bank Consultant
- Ayo Adebusoye, Nigeria Network of Non-Governmental Organizations
- Christoph Backhaus, Administrative Reform Programme, Cambodia
- Fahad Garba Aliyu, MBA Candidate, Hult International Business School
- Peter Froslev Christensen, PFC Consulting, Copenhagen
- Abubakar Abdullahi, The Front Office NG
- Anna Guerraggio, United Nations Office of Internal Oversight
- Koldo Echebarria, Inter-American Development Bank
- Ahmath Bamba Mbacke, École Supérieure Polytechnique, Senegal
- Charles Sabel, Columbia Law School
- Kaja Jurtela, Center of Excellence in Finance
- Jean-Baptiste KOBA, MESAN, political party of Central African Republic
- Nasir Ahmad El-Rufai, Opposition Politician, Nigeria
- Obodai Torto, University of Waterloo
- Quinton Mageza, Eastern Cape Provincial Government, South Africa
- Florencia Guerzovich, Independent
- Yadira Almodovar-Diaz, Harvard School of Public Health
- Nick Manning, World Bank
- Karin Metell Cueva, SiPU International, Sweden
- Rami Ahmad, Islamic Development Bank
- Michelle Ntukanyagwe, Office of the President, Rwanda
- James Haga, Engineers Without Borders, Canada
- Javier Bonilla, MPA/MBA, Harvard/UCLA
- Adriana Hoyos, International Development Consultant
- Clay Wescott, President International Public Management Network
- Grace Wandera, Kenya Vision 2030 Delivery Secretariat
- Andrew Blackman, Ecuadorian Coordinating Ministry for Economic Policy
- Janine O’Flynn, University of Melbourne
- Jamie Pett, Overseas Development Institute, Zanzibar Planning Commission
- Meaghan Novi, Master’s Student in Public Health at Emory University
- Devesh Sharma, Harvard Kennedy School
- Nancy Birdsall, Center for Global Development
- Christopher Pollitt, Public Governance Institute, Katholieke Universiteit leuven
- Derek Pham, MPP, Harvard Kennedy School
- Doug Porter, World Bank and Australian National University
- Matteo Frate, Economist at Regione Sardegna, Italy
- Lucy Mbabazi, Business Development Leader Rwanda and Burundi
- Eduardo Estrada, World Bank
- Shashank Shekhar Shukla, Development practitioner, India
- Scott Guggenheim, Institute for State Effectiveness
- Sandra Naranjo, Minister of Tourism of Ecuador
- Chuks Osuagwu, MPA/MBA – Harvard Kennedy School/MIT Sloan
- Claude Rochet, Aix Marseille Université
- Borja Paladini Adell, Independent Consultant
- Jose Ramon Morales Arilla, CID at Harvard University
- Rashid Mahmood Langrial, Commissioner Lahore Division, Govt of Punjab
- Zina Jarrah, Harvard School of Public Health
- Alvaro Henzler, MC-MPA Harvard Kennedy School / INCUBA / EnseñaPeru
- Alejandro Fajardo, Private Council on Competitiveness, Colombia
- Avnish Gungadurdoss, Instiglio
- Komal Chamling, Harvard Graduate School of Education
- R.S. Praveen Kumar, TSWREIS, India
- Jeffrey Reynoso, Harvard School of Public Health
- Kay Kim, MPA/ID, Harvard University
- Victor Steenbergen, Ministry of Education, Malawi
- Ismail Ali Manik, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Finance and Treasury, Maldives
- Alta Folscher, Mokoro Limited
- Abeer Rashdan, Ministry of Planning, Egypt
- Morten Jerven, Simon Fraser University
- James Adede, Grassroots Alliance for Community Education (GRACE) Africa
- Stela Mocan, Government CIO, Executive Director, e-Government Center, Moldova
- Madvee Muthu, African Development Bank
- Carl Jackson, Westhill Knowledge
- Gonzalo Contreras, Fiscus
- Peter Biar Ajak, University of Cambridge
- Rafael Villa, Policy Lab (P-Lab)
- Geert Vansintjan, DGD, Belgium
- Kyriaki Tortopidou-Derieux, University of London
- Jo Rowlands, Oxfam
- Gary Bandy, Unaffiliated
- Sushmita Meka, Bankable Frontier Associates
- Manisha Verma, IAS and MPA Candidate at Harvard Kennedy School
- The ESID Research Centre at University of Manchester
- Rapid Results Institute
- Reboot
- Africa Governance Initiative
- Twaweza East Africa
Go to the Harvard Building State Capability website to sign the manifesto or download a pdf version.